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Cast Lips

Eclipse Cast Lip

Explore the most streamlined Cast Lip on the market

Bradken's expertise in Cast Lip Systems has led to the development of the Eclipse Cast Lip, which does not compromise on strength or durability

Bradken’s products are produced at the highest quality and incorporate innovative solutions and designs that are based on providing functional solutions and are characterised by their reliability, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and whole of life value. This provides our customers with reductions attributed to their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), and improved safety features to reduce the risk of injury on site.

There are 20+ design configurations for the eclipse lip with only 7 consumable parts for simpler inventory. Our skilled and experienced engineering and manufacturing teams use advanced technologies allowing Bradken to link engineering with manufacturing, ensuring a strong synergy between the product design process, application requirements and the interactions of customer’s operations.


Simulations undertaken across a range of machines show up to a 3% reduction in fill power required when using Bradken Eclipse cast lips.

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Bradken's Customer Success report findings


Combined with Bradken’s design expertise in lip systems, Eclipse Cast Lip solution provides you with the following benefits for your operations:

  • Fast and safe changeouts with truly hammer-free installation and removal

  • Up to 3% reduction in fill power required* leading to improved penetration and lower fuel burn from the most streamlined lip on the market

  • Optimised nose angle to increase ‘cutting clearance’ and ‘toe access’ to reduce fill energy required

  • Wear caps that provide lip protection and extend service life

  • Up to 1 tonne mass reduction over previous generation lips - subject to depending on excavator size

  • Predicted increase in fatigue life of up to 50%

  • With secondary refinement of the high strength alloy steel Eclipse lips perform in all applications


  • Designed to reduce assembly mass therefore achieving fatigue life of 40,000hrs in 600T machines and 25,000hrs in 800T machines

  • Stabilised lip shrouds with lower leg being in shadow means reduced fit pad maintenance and reduced shroud loss during back blading

  • Rounded rear corner to remove a weld start/stop point reduces in field maintenance by reducing the likelihood of crack initiation

  • Split boss arrangement reduces boss stiffness, forward position and raised mounting therefore decreases likelihood of crack initiation

Bradken Eclipse Cast Lip


  • Mechanical wear protection profiled to minimize surface area, reduces power requirement

  • Lip designed to minimize “non-structural” material, reduces total assembly mass

  • 12 deg Nose angle reduces power and cuts maximum clearance for the underside of lip, minimises power required and lip structural wear

Eclipse Total Solutions

Eclipse - Solution - Safety


Significant 95% reduction in energy required to retract pin for removal - allows safer operation and minimal effort for a more diverse workforce.

Eclipse Faster Solution Changeouts

Faster Changeouts

Proven in Hard Rock, Coal, Overburden and Iron Ore dig conditions. Over 1,342hrs achieved with no pin failures.

Change-out time significantly reduced <10mins to change 6 points.


Two-piece, extending system allows for double sided point retention and greater stabilization and reliability.

Pin is reused for the life of the adapter.

Ground Engaging Tools meet VR Technology

Try our G.E.T. Virtual Reality Training

The Bradken Hammer-Free GET Removal VR training module familiarizes operators with our GET products and educates them in the use of our tool kit so they can complete safer maintenance procedures when removing GET on our Eclipse Cast Lip.

GET - Virtual Technology training

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